Island nurses to rally at VIHA Board meeting Sources News Release
Publisher: BC Nurses' Union Date Written: 29/05/2013 Year Published: 2013 Resource Type: Article
They want a halt to a scheme to reduce the number of nurses at Vancouver Island Hospitals, pending an independent review.
Abstract: Nurses from across mid and north Vancouver Island will rally at the Vancouver Island Health Authority Board meeting in Port Alberni on Wednesday (May 29). Theyll be there to demand a halt to a plan to reduce the number of nurses at the bedside at VIHA hospitals, pending an independent review.
Where: VIHA Board meeting, Hospitality Inn, Port Alberni
When: Nurses leave Nanaimo Coast Bastion Hotel 12:20 pm, arrive around 1:30 pm Meeting scheduled to begin 1:45 pm
Why: To demand a h... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1882.htm
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