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Shape the Battlefield to Create Conditions for Success
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Richard Martin
Date Written:  08/07/2013
Year Published:  2013  
Resource Type:  Article

If you’re passive, you get passed. You have to take the offensive in order to (re)gain the initiative and keep it. That is the essence of offense. But too many companies are content with the status quo and stay passive in the face of societal, econ

Abstract:  Brilliant Manoeuvre
You must shape the battlefield to create the conditions for your success.

If you’re passive, you get passed. You have to take the offensive in order to (re)gain the initiative and keep it. That is the essence of offense. But too many companies are content with the status quo and stay passive in the face of societal, economic, technical, and scientific change. Take life and health insurance companies. With all the medical and biotech innovations coming on lin...
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