First information is usually wrong, so don't overreact. Sources News Release
Publisher: Richard Martin Date Written: 15/07/2013 Year Published: 2013 Resource Type: Article
The rail disaster in Lac Megantic, Quebec is a terrible tragedy, but no sooner had it occurred that there were calls for everything from banning railways from passing through small towns, to preventing the shipping of oil by rail.
Abstract: The rail disaster in Lac Megantic, Quebec is a terrible tragedy, but no sooner had it occurred that there were calls for everything from banning railways from passing through small towns, to preventing the shipping of oil by rail. Proponents of increased oil production and pipelines were quick to point out (correctly) that pipelines are safer than rail. Environmentalists hastened to jump on their own hobby horse, that this disaster highlights our (evil) dependence on oil. When I took command of... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1909.htm
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