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109 MPs sign CLIMATE PLEDGE, ClimateFasters close with Vigil on Day of Nonviolence
Sources News Release


Publisher:  ClimateFast
Date Written:  02/10/2013
Year Published:  2013  
Resource Type:  Article

ClimateFast committed to push Government for action on Climate Change. More MPs and citizens sign on.

Abstract:  As Fasters begin to prepare for their final day of Fast and Vigil on Oct. 2nd on Parliament Hill, they reflect on the past 11 days on the Hill, where they were visited by scores of Canadians and international visitors, with increased awareness of climate change, and the need to do something about it.

To date 109 MP’s, 13 Liberal Senators and scores of citizens have made the pledge or dropped by with words of encouragement, or just to hold the banners for a while. The movement has expan...
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