Use drills to make critical procedures second nature Sources News Release
Publisher: Richard Martin Date Written: 04/11/2013 Year Published: 2013 Resource Type: Article
The military has learned the hard way what any highly successful leader or artist has learned, that we need to develop the 'muscle memory' or basic drills and routines to the point where they become a habit, regardless of circumstances.
Abstract: I can still remember the basic tactical drills I was taught at the Infantry School 30 years ago. Whether it was elementary battle procedure, orders format (SMESC Situation, Mission, Execution, Support, Command & Communications), time estimate, or the combat estimate, they were drilled into me until they became second nature. When it came time to apply them during exercises or on live operations, they would come to the fore and I would be able to apply them in a heartbeat, no matter what the ... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR1971.htm
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