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Community Profit
Community-Based Economic Development in Canada

Wismer, Susan; Pell, David
Publisher:  IS Five Press
Resource Type:  Book

Pell and Wismer look at seven community owned and controlled businesses that reinvest their profits back into their local communities. Resource for community groups, co-ops, credit unions, social organizations, and individuals interested in new approaches to economic development.


Table of Contents

1. We'll Do It Ourselves
2. Seven Stories
i) There's a Mill Again in the Valley
ii) Contact: "Le Développement Véritable de la Haute Cote-Nord" (The Development of the Upper North Shore)
iii) Community Congress for Economic Change: A Credit Union
iv) New Directions for Women's Work: Comfort Clothing Services
v) The Nimpkish Integrated Development Approach: Rebuilding the Land of the Potlatch
vi) Bringing Farming Back Home: the Mira Community Pasture
vii) What's an Is Five?
3. Getting Started
4. Planning Your Project
5. Discovering Resources
6. Developing Not-for-Profit Enterprises
7. Managing Your Organization
A Few Last Words
Index to Resources

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