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Times of Trouble
Labour Unrest and Industrial Conflict in Canada, 1900-66

Jamieson, Stuart Marshall
Publisher:  Task Force on Labour Relations / Institute of Industrial Relations, UBC
Year Published:  1968  
Pages:  543pp   Price:  $5.50  
Resource Type:  Book


Table of Contents

Introduction: Purposes, Sources and Methodology
i) Theory of Conflict
ii) Problems of Definition and Measurement
iii) Organization and Presentation of Data
- Chronological
- Regional
- Industrial
iv) Sources
v) The Problem of Bias
vi) References
Part 1: The Economic and Social Setting
i) References
Part 2: The Good Old Days 1900-13
i) General
- Construction
- Railways and Other Transportation
- Manufacturing
a) Ontario
b) Quebec
ii) Coal Mining: East and West
- General
- Maritimes
- British Columbia and Alberta
a) Vancouver Island:
- Industrial Disputes and the Royal Commission in British Columbia, 1903
- United Mine Workers of America
b) Southeastern British Columbia and Alberta
iii) Other Industries in British Columbia
- Fishing
- Railroad Construction and Other Industries
iv) The Prairie Provinces
v) Summary Review: 1900-1913
vi) References
Part 3: Radicalism and Reaction: World War I and the Postwar Transition, 1914-1920
i) Coal Mining
- Nova Scotia
- Alberta and Eastern British Columbia
- Vancouver Island
ii) Western Revolt
iii) The Winnipeg General Strike, 1919
iv) Repercussions in Other Provinces
v) The One Big Union
vi) References
Part 4: The "Torpid Twenties": 1920-29
i) Coal Mining
- Nova Scotia
- Alberta and Eastern British Columbia
- Vancouver Island
ii) Other Industries
iii) References
Part 5: The "Dirty Thirties": 1930-39
i) The Early Thirties: 1930-35
- Coal Mining: Alberta and Eastern British Columbia: Vancouver Island: The Maritimes: General
- Other Industries: Clothing: Primary Industries: Longshoremen, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1935
- Unemployed Organizations and the Regina Riot
ii) The Later Thirties: 1936-39
- Ontario
- Quebec
- British Columbia: Relief Camp Workers' Strike, 1938
- General: Epilogue to the 1930's
iii) References
Part 6: The "Fighting Forties": 1940-50
i) Wartime, World War II, 1939-45
- Manufacturing
- Coal Mining
- General
ii) Postwar Readjustment and Inflation, 1945-50
- Special Cases
- Coal Mining
- Meat Packing
- The International Typographical Union and the Southam Newspaper Chain, 1946-49
- Motor Vehicles
- Shipping: Strike of 1946: Canadian Seamens' Union and Seafarers' International Union
- Asbestos Mining in Quebec
- Railway Strike in August 1950
iii) References
Part 7. The Fabulous but Faltering Fifties: 1951-59
i) Railway Strike, 1957
ii) Violence in Strikes:
- Copper Mining, Murdochville, Quebec
- Lumber Workers in Newfoundland - 1959
- Teamsters Strikes - Southern Ontario and Quebec - 1959
iii) The Overall Pattern of Strikes
- The Cyclical Pattern of Conflict in British Columbia, 1950-59
- General
iv) References
Part 8: The Soaring and Searing Sixties: 1960-66
i) Cyclical Pattern of Strikes
ii) Other Aspects
iii) Special Cases
iv) 1960-64
- Brandon Meat Packers
- Residential Construction in Toronto, 1960-61
- Great Lakes and Deepsea Shipping
- Pulpwood Cutters, Kapuskasing, Ontario - 1963
- Newspapers, Toronto - 1964
v) 1965-66
- Oil Refinery Works - 1965
- Postal Workers - 1965
- Teamsters' Strike Ontario - 1966
- International Nickel Company, Ontario
- Steel Company of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario - 1966
- Construction Industry, Montreal - April 1966
- Longshoremen, St Lawrence - April - June 1966
- Railways Across Canada - August - September 1966
vi) References
Part 9: Labour Unrest and Conflict in Retrospect
i) Broad Economic Factors
ii) Specific Issues
iii) Canada's Industrial Relations "System"
iv) Broad Socio-Psychological Factors
v) References
Appendix A: Unemployed Demonstrations and Riots in Vancouver During the Early 1930's
Appendix B: Relief Camps in the Early 1930's
Appendix C: Riot of Unemployed in the Hudson's Bay Department Store, Vancouver, B.C. - May 1935
Appendix D: The "Capture" of the City Museum in Vancouver - May 1935
Appendix E: The "On-To-Ottawa Trek" of the Relief Camp Workers' Union - June 1935
Appendix F: The Regina Riot, Dominion Day, 1935
Appendix G: Strikes in Sorel, Quebec during 1937
Appendix H: Strike at Blubber Bay, B.C. 1938
Appendix I: The Second Relief Camp Workers Strike and the Post Office Riot, Vancouver, 1938
Appendix J: Resume en francais

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