Use guerrilla strategy and tactics if you're in a position of strategic weakness Sources News Release
Publisher: Richard Martin Date Written: 03/02/2014 Year Published: 2014 Resource Type: Article
Guerrilla strategy is very misunderstood, sometimes even by military historians and strategists. In the simplest terms, guerrilla strategy is a combination of small-scale offensive tactics with a defensive strategy at the highest levels. Despite what
Abstract: Guerrilla strategy is very misunderstood, sometimes even by military historians and strategists. In the simplest terms, guerrilla strategy is a combination of small-scale offensive tactics with a defensive strategy at the highest levels. Despite what many people think, guerrilla warfare is a strategy of weakness. I think people focus on the small-scale offensive manoeuvres and fail to see the big picture. So, for instance, when the Taliban adopted a guerrilla strategy in Afghanistan after their ... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR2043.htm
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