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Digital Revolutions
Activism in the Internet Age

Hill, Symon
Publisher:  New Internationalist, Oxford
Date Written:  01/04/2013
Year Published:  2013  
Pages:  160pp   ISBN:  978-1-78026-076-1
Dewey:  322.4028546
Resource Type:  Book

Symon Hill on the role of the Internet in activism and social change.

Abstract:  From Occupy to Uncut, from the Arab Spring to the Slutwalk movement, few questions about recent activism raise as much controversy as the role of the internet. This book suggests that the internet is a tool, not a cause, of social change. It has profoundly affected the way people communicate, making it easier to find the truth, to learn from activists on the other side of the world, to co-ordinate campaigns without hierarchy and to expose governments and corporations to public ridicule. But it has also helped those same governments and corporations to spy on activists, to disrupt campaigns and to create illusions of popular support.

Focused on the real-life experiences of activists rather than theory or abstract statistics, Digital Revolutions asks how the internet has affected activism, how it has allowed movements to go global more quickly and what the future holds for corporations and social movements that are doing battle online.

[From publisher]

Table of Contents

Foreword by Peter Tatchell.


1.The 'menace' of cyberspace.
2.Breaking the monopoly.
3.The hashtag revolution.
4.'We are next!' Catalyst or tool?
5.Camping on the doorsteps of power.
6.Cyberactivism explodes.
7.Fighting corporations in cyberspace.
8.These hands our weapons.



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