Learn to 'specialize' in being a generalist Sources News Release
Publisher: Richard Martin Date Written: 17/03/2014 Year Published: 2014 Resource Type: Article
There is a famous essay by philosopher Isaiah Berlin, The Fox and the Hedgehog. In it he distinguished between authors who are 'hedgehogs,' that is who see the world through one big idea, and 'foxes,' who tend to see things through multiple
Abstract: There is a famous essay by philosopher Isaiah Berlin, The Fox and the Hedgehog. In it he distinguished between authors who are hedgehogs, that is who see the world through one big idea, and foxes, who tend to see things through multiple lenses.
We can easily apply this idea to management and strategy. Dont get me wrong; I have nothing against gaining special expertise and skill in a particular area of endeavour. However, being a hedgehog can become a problem if that is on... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR2065.htm
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