Community radio host's 12-year-old son killed in shooting Sources News Release
Publisher: Reporters Without Borders Date Written: 07/08/2014 Year Published: 2014 Resource Type: Article
The son of radio La Calentana Mexiquense's founder and presenter, Indalecio Bentez Mondragon, was killed on the night of 1 August when masked gunmen fired on Benez's car at the entrance to the community radio station, located in his home
Abstract: The son of radio La Calentana Mexiquense's founder and presenter, Indalecio Bentez Mondragon, was killed on the night of 1 August when masked gunmen fired on Bentez's car at the entrance to the community radio station, located in his home in Luvianos, a small town in the central state of Mexico.
Reporters Without Borders offers its heartfelt condolences to the Bentez family for this tragic event.
Bentez has just pulled up outside when the gunmen emerged from his home and opene... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR2187.htm
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