IFJ/AJI condemn police intervention in Jakarta Post blasphemy matter Sources News Release
Publisher: International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Date Written: 19/12/2014 Year Published: 2014 Resource Type: Article
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) (Alliance of Independent Journalists, Indonesia) in criticizing and rejecting the naming of the chief editor of the Jakarta Post as a suspect in a blasphemy case.
Abstract: The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) (Alliance of Independent Journalists, Indonesia) in criticizing and rejecting the naming of the chief editor of the Jakarta Post as a suspect in a blasphemy case. Both AJI and the IFJ have said the case has already been legitimately handled by the Indonesian Press Council and any further intervention by police amounts to an attack on the country's media freedom.
Meidyatama Suryodiningrat, the chief... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR2337.htm
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