JED and RWB Ask To Stop Threats Against Journalist Jean-Paul Bisila Sources News Release
Publisher: Reporters without Borders Date Written: 19/12/2014 Year Published: 2014 Resource Type: Article
Reporters Without Borders is extremely concerned about the threats that have been made by Jean Bamanisa, the governor of the Congolese northeastern Province Orientale, against Jean-Paul Bisila, a journalist with the Radio Okapi branch in the city of Bunia.
Abstract: Reporters Without Borders is extremely concerned about the threats that have been made by Jean Bamanisa, the governor of the Congolese northeastern Province Orientale, against Jean-Paul Bisila, a journalist with the Radio Okapi branch in the city of Bunia.
RWB supports JEDs appeal to regional, national and international authorities to do everything possible to end the threats against Bisila so that he can work freely and independently.
The Governor of Province Orientale has made repeate... To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR2343.htm
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