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Swazi writers still in jail a year later
Sources News Release


Publisher:  Reporters without Borders
Date Written:  22/03/2015
Year Published:  2015  
Resource Type:  Article

A year has passed since the respected journalist Bheki Makhubu was jailed in Africa's last absolute monarchy. Reporters Without Borders is appalled by his unjustified two-year prison sentence for contempt of court.

Abstract:  A year has passed since the respected journalist Bheki Makhubu was jailed in Africa’s last absolute monarchy. Reporters Without Borders is appalled by his unjustified two-year prison sentence for contempt of court.

The editor of the monthly magazine The Nation, Bheki Makhubu is one of the few journalists in Swaziland willing to hold the ruling elite to account. For his efforts, he has now spent a year in Sidwashini prison, just north of the capital Mbabane. Chief Justice Michael Ramadobedi ...
To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR2419.htm


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