Toronto Council Moves to Protect City's Water from Pipeline Spills Sources News Release
Publisher: Municipal Action Committee, Toronto No Line 9 Network Date Written: 05/04/2015 Year Published: 2015 Resource Type: Article
Toronto City Council's motion asking for emergency shut-off values on either side of the City of Toronto's major watercourses reflects increased resident pressure on the city to defend us all against environmental hazards.
Abstract: Toronto, April 6, 2015 - Following Mayor John Tory's appeal to the Federal government to increase rail safety in Toronto as a result of the increasing number of recent train oil tanker explosions, City Council has passed a motion to reinstate safety requirements on a pipeline project that would send tar sands bitumen through the city. The pipeline crosses all major waterways feeding Lake Ontario, the source of our drinking water.
The motion passed (29 to 2) on April 2 states ...
To read the full release go to http://www.sources.com/Releases/NR2439.htm
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