Revolution Never Sleeps: Nuit Debout in France and Beyond
Rockhill, Gabriel http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/04/15/revolution-never-sleeps-nuit-debout-in-france-and-beyond/
Publisher: Counterpunch Date Written: 15/04/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
The movement Nuit debout -- 'night on our feet' or 'stand up night!' -- is a potent reminder of the existence of an indefatigable global struggle against the neoliberal credo and all of its devastating consequences. Although it has deep roots, like all sociopolitical movements, it has come into its own since the prolongation of a March 31st, 2016 general strike (grève générale) and mass protest against French labor reforms, which aim at further consolidating class power and rendering the status of the labor force even more precarious. It quickly mutated like so many other recent movements from a circumscribed protest into an extended and rapidly spreading occupation.
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