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Canada Since 1960: A People's History
A Left Perspective on 50 Years of Politics, Economics and Culture

Gonick, By (ed.)
Publisher:  Lorimer, Canada
Year Published:  2016  
Pages:  576pp   ISBN:  978-1-4594-1113-5
Library of Congress Number:  FC600.C85 2016   Dewey:  971.064
Resource Type:  Book

An account of the most important developments in Canadian history from the 1960s to today, seen through the eyes of Canadian Dimension magazine.


From publisher:

When Winnipeg's Cy Gonick started the magazine Canadian Dimension in 1963 to provide a home for the thinking and analysis of mostly young leftists engaged in Canadian economic, social, cultural, artistic and political issues, he had no grand plan. But Canadian Dimension was welcomed by intellectuals, scholars and students, and it proved enduring. Hundreds of Canada's leading figures of the left have contributed to its pages over the years, writing about every major topic in Canadian public life.

This book offers an account of the most important developments in Canadian history from the sixties until today, as seen and interpreted by scholars and writers on the pages of Dimension. Each chapter reviews a major theme, such as Canada's relationship to the U.S., the development of our health care system, the dynamics of Aboriginal-non-Aboriginal relations and the role of Canadian cultural work in shaping Canadian society. Taken together, the book provides a unique and broad perspective on virtually every significant event and development in recent Canadian history.

Readers who know the magazine will find this book a compelling summary of how Canada changed in the past five decades, and how the Left saw those changes and challenged them. Readers who discover Canadian Dimension through this book will find a multitude of compelling voices who challenge the dominant neoliberal thinking of mainstream Canadian intellectual life.

The twenty-seven contributors, from every part of the country are Greg Albo, Brenda Austin Smith, Chris Bailey, Evan Bowness, Mordecai Briemburg, Elizabeth Comack, Angela Day, Bryan Evans, Alvin Finkel, Peter Graefe, Judy Haiven, Larry Haiven, Trevor Harrison, Henry Heller, David Hugill, Peter Kulchyski, Andrea Levy, James McCorrie, James Naylor, Bryan Palmer, Denis Pilon, Joe Roberts, Stephanie Ross, Arthur Schafer, Frank Tester, John Warnock and Chris Webb.

Table of Contents

Mel Watkins

Introduction: Keeping the Spark Alive
Cy Gonick

The Canadian Dimension

Chapter 1. The Canadian Dimension
Cy Gonick

National Dimensions

Chapter 2. Canada and the American Empire
Joseph Roberts

Chapter 3. Balancing the Claims of Nation and of Class: Fifty Years of Covering Quebec
Peter Graefe

Chapter 4. Fifty Years in Indian Country
Peter Kulchyski

The Green Dimension

Chapter 5. The Green Dimension
Andrea Levy

Chapter 6. Natural Resources and Canadian Capitalism: The View From Canadian
Dimension Magazine
John W. Warnock

The Cultural Dimension

Chapter 7. Becoming Ordinary: 50 Years of Arts and Culture
Brenda Austin-Smith

The Institutional Dimension

Chapter 8. Fifty Years of Class Struggle
Larry Haiven and Judy Haiven

Chapter 9. Rebelling Youth: Universities and Students
James Naylor

Chapter 10. Canadian Dimension and the Great Canadian Health Care Debate

Chapter 11. Crime and Punishment: The More Things Change…
Evan Bowness and Elizabeth Comack

Chapter 12. Racism, Human Rights and Immigration
Christopher Webb

The Global Dimension

Chapter 13. Revolution and Imperialism: A North American Internationalism
Henry Heller

Chapter 14. A Journey from Israel to Palestine
Mordecai Briemberg

Dimensions of Political Economy

Chapter 15. Beyond Economic Nationalism: Clashes with Canadian Capitalism
Greg Albo and Chris Bailey

The Regional and Urban Dimension

Chapter 16. The Home Province: Canadian Dimension and Manitoba
Alvin Finkel

Chapter 17. Work and Change in Atlantic Canada
Angela Day

Chapter 18. The "Next Year" Province: Canadian Dimension and Saskatchewan
James N. McCrorie

Chapter 19. Canadian Dimension and the "Other" Ontario: Radical Reportage through
Four Transformative Decades
Bryan Evans

Chapter 20. Canadian Dimension Covers British Columbia: Power, Promises and Pulp
Frank Tester

Chapter 21. Alberta
Trevor W. Harrison

Chapter 22. The Urban Dimension
David Hugill

Chapter 23. The Socialist Dimension
Bryan Palmer

Dimensions of Identity

Chapter 24. CD and Feminism: Chronicle of a Movement Defining Itself
Stephanie Ross

Chapter 25. The Personal Dimension
Dennis Pilon


About the Contributors



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