U.S. Elites The Original Gangsters
Alexandrov, Nick http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/06/10/u-s-elites-the-original-gangsters/
Publisher: Counter Punch Date Written: 10/06/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
Donald Trump is at home in the underworld. Tom Robbins writes that the de facto GOP nominee "has encountered a steady stream of mob-tainted offers that he apparently couldn't refuse" in his decades in business. He "worked with mob-controlled companies and unions" while building his empire, the Washington Post reports. So the man has presidential cred. U.S. elites, since the colonial era, have shown contempt for the law: if they weren't ignoring their own codes, they were violating those of other nations or international statutes, or partnering with avowed outlaws. It's not clear, in other words, what distinguishes politicians and businessmen from career criminals.
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