The stagnation of the Dutch Socialist Party
van Lingen, Max http://isj.org.uk/the-stagnation-of-the-dutch-socialist-party/
Publisher: International Socialism Date Written: 22/06/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
The Socialist Party (SP) is one of the parties that emerged to the left of traditional social democracy in the last decade of the 20th century. In electoral terms, it is one of the most successful. At its peak in 2006, the SP got 25 out of 150 seats (16.6 percent of the vote), becoming the third party in the House of Representatives. With the European Parliament (2014) and provincial (2015) elections it eclipsed the Labour Party (PvdA) for the first time, becoming the biggest party of the left in the Netherlands. Until Syriza's election victory in 2015 the Dutch SP was the only left reformist party in Europe to win a bigger share of the vote than the traditional social democratic party.
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