Guardian tries to silence Democrat Leak Scandal
Cook, Jonathan http://dissidentvoice.org/2016/07/guardian-tries-to-silence-democrat-leak-scandal/#more-63467
Publisher: Dissident Voice Date Written: 25/07/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
The Democratic National Convention had their emails leaked which proved their attempt at swinging the vote for Hillary Clinton. The Guardian newspaper seems to show bias for Hillary Clinton in their response.
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It is worth examining the Guardians coverage of this affair. Its like a masterclass in Pravda-style journalism and entirely illustrative of how the Guardian is not reporting news but framing debates to protect its political interests: they have been rock solid behind the status-quo candidacy of Clinton rather than Sanders (lets focus on the fact shes woman rather than that shes the spokeswoman for the military-industrial complex), just as they seem ready to back anyone for British PM as long as its not Jeremy Corbyn, including Theresa May.
The story itself does not tell us anything about the leaks until the sixth paragraph. Before that we have lots of Clinton camp indignation about Russia interfering in US domestic politics as though this story is primarily yet another chance to knock Vladimir Putin and his supposed best pal, Donald Trump, Clintons chief rival for the presidency. Even when we finally reach mention of the leaks, they are glossed over, with it unclear what the substance of these emails was and why they are significant.
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