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In new book, Ilan Pappé says settler colonialism and apartheid best explain Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Clarke, Ben

Publisher:  Mondoweiss
Year Published:  2016  
Resource Type:  Article

An analysis of Ilan Pappe's new book, Israel and South Africa - The Many Faces of Apartheid, and how Israel's settler colonization of Palestinians is similar to apartheid in South Africa.

Abstract:  -

The book attempts to analyze this apartheid analogy, its application in Israel/Palestine and its use as a comparative model with apartheid South Africa, through exploring these concepts of language and narration, historical similarities and differences, and basic legal and legislative comparisons. Resolution to the most significant moral debate of our time will only be sought by identifying and understanding the clear implications for international law, activism and policy making that this more accurate paradigm delivers.


inishing, Cook attempted to prove that by ignoring the unifying nature of apartheid facing all Palestinians under Israeli rule, Israel is afforded a platform to “claim its policies in the occupied territories are driven by security considerations rather than goalless systematic dispossession and resource theft.”


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