Canadian Taxpayers Federation has 5 members -- why should we care what they think?
Lamont, Dougald http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/canadian-taxpayer-federation-opinion-lamont-1.3802441
Publisher: CBC News Date Written: 16/10/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
The Canadian Taxpayers' Federation has been around since the late 1980s, selling itself as a populist "citizens advocacy group" looking to cut waste and ensure accountability in government. They get acres of free coverage in newspapers and on local and national newscasts; their spokespeople regularly get more coverage than elected officials. Perhaps the CTF gets the coverage it does because it is seen as less biased than politicians it is seen as advocating for taxpayers against all politicians, on the right and left. The CTF's media presence is truly remarkable when you consider it has a membership of five people. You read that correctly: five.
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