Facebooks 'anti-fake news' plan looks like effort to curb alternative media
MacDonald, Bryan http://www.rt.com/op-edge/370678-democracy-fake-news-facebook/
Publisher: RT Date Written: 18/12/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
Examines the problems of how 'fake news' is defined, and how Facebook's strategy to limit exposure to 'fake news' might also impact any alternative media.
There is no doubt that blatantly made up, let alone poorly fact-checked, stories are poisoning political discourse. And Facebook is right to tackle the type of companies who produce twaddle such as "Hillary invented the Aids virus" or "Trump wants to distribute Mein Kampf to school kids" or whatever nonsense is being pushed today.
However, will it also censure "respected" mainstream outlets who allege that Putin has stolen $200 billion for himself or is planting child porn on dissidents?
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