Monitoring the Miners: Rio Tinto, Drones and Surveillance
Kampmark, Binoy http://dissidentvoice.org/2016/12/monitoring-the-miners-rio-tinto-drones-and-surveillance/
Publisher: Dissident Voice Date Written: 12/12/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
Management at the mining giant Rio Tinto have ambitions to take the technology of monitoring employees to another level quite literally-drones.
Abstract: -
Management at the mining giant Rio Tinto have ambitions to take the technology of monitoring employees to another level quite literally. Proud to have been at the forefront of various technical innovations in the employment field, the recently proposed surveillance program by the companys management caused more than just a ruffling.
Some of this was put down to the companys fly-in, fly-out contractor (FIFO), which seemed enthusiastic about the idea of monitoring work personnel on the work camp sites.
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