Neo-Liberalism Under Cover of Racism
Murray, Craig http:///www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2016/11/neo-liberalism-cover-racism/
Publisher: www.craigmurray.org.uk Date Written: 15/11/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
Brexit and Trump represent the continuance of neo-liberalism, but with popular discontent diverted into added racism.
Abstract: -
There are two ways the establishment has sought to divert this anger.
The first, and highly successful method is to convince people that it is not the massive appropriation of resources by the ultra-wealthy which causes their poverty, it is rather competition for the scraps with outsiders. This approach employs pandering to racism and xenophobia, and is characteristic of UKIP and Trump.
The second approach employs the antithesis to the same end. It is to co-opt the forces marginalised by the first approach and rally them behind an alternative approach which is still neo-liberalism.
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