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Much Has Been Said...

Finkel, David

Publisher:  Against the Current
Date Written:  01/01/2014
Year Published:  2014  
Resource Type:  Article

In the wake of Nelson Mandela, Finkel brings attention to contemporary political activists being imprisoned by their governments.



Think about Palestine's living Mandela, Marwan Barghouthi, sentenced to five life terms in an Israeli prison. (The first Palestinian Mandela, Yasir Arafat, was almost certainly murdered on orders of Ariel Sharon.) From his prison cell, Barghouthi issued this tribute to the life of Nelson Mandela: http://english.pnn.ps/index.php/prisoners/6333-marwan-barghouti-to-mandela-our-freedom-seems-possible-because-you-reached-yours.

Marwan Barghouthi's name isn't officially spoken -- least of all by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper when he rose in the House of Commons on December 5, 2013 to eulogize Mandela. Four nights earlier, Harper rapturously addressed a gala Toronto banquet for the Jewish National Fund, arguably the most purely apartheid extant organization on the planet, which controls most of the land in the Israeli state for exclusive use of "the Jewish people of the world" (no non-Jewish citizens of Israel need apply). "Israel will always have Canada," Harper pledged.


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