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Three Myths of Immigration

Malik, Kenan

Publisher:  Pandaemonium
Date Written:  08/05/2012
Year Published:  2012  
Resource Type:  Article

Kenan Malik sets out to explain to a Canadian audience, for whom multiculturalism has a very different meaning than it does to a European one, the contours of the European debate, as well as his disagreements with both sides. In particular he shows why both multiculturalists and many of their critics (particularly their rightwing critics) buy into the same set of myths about the history of immigration into Europe.



"European nations used to be homogenous but have become plural because of mass immigration"

It is a claim that might appear to be common sense. After all, immigration has transformed Western European societies, and many seem to be riven by the kinds of cultural and religious conflicts that were rare in the past – from the controversy over The Satanic Verses to the debate about whether women should be allowed to wear the burqa. In fact, most European nations are less plural now than they were, say, a hundred years ago. The reason we imagine otherwise is because of historical amnesia and because we have come to adopt a highly selective standard for defining what it is to be plural.


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