Liberals Beware: Lie Down With Dogs, Get Up With Fleas
Whitney, Mike http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/02/22/90663/
Publisher: Counterpunch Date Written: 22/02/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
An examination of the dishonesty in the New York Times' efforts to undermine President Trump, and broader criticisms of other tactics used by the liberal establishment to the same end.
So don't be fooled, the Times doesn't care any more about the suffering of immigrant families who have been victimized by Trump's extremist policies than they do about the three million refugees that have fled America's wars in Libya and Syria. The fact that the Times continues to mischaracterize this vast human exodus as some sort of natural disaster instead of the predictable spillover from persistent US aggression, just confirms the fact that the Times is not a reliable source of unbiased information at all. It is a political publication that crafts a political narrative reflecting the views of politically-minded elites whose strategic objectives cannot be achieved without more brainwashing, more coercion and more war.
In other words, if you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas. Leftists should avoid the temptation of aligning themselves with groups and agencies that might help them achieve their short-term goal of removing Trump, but ultimately move them closer to a de facto 1984 lock-down police state. Misplaced support for the deep state Russophobes will only strengthen the national security state's stranglehold on power. That's not a path to victory, it's a path to annihilation.
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