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Why you shouldn't trust Geek Squad ever again
The government reportedly pays Geek Squad technicians to dig through your PC

Patrizio, Andy

Publisher:  Network World
Date Written:  10/01/2017
Year Published:  2017  
Resource Type:  Article

The Orange County Weekly reports that the company's repair technicians routinely search devices brought in for repair for files that could earn them $500 reward as FBI informants. That, ladies and gentlemen, is about as blatant a case of unconstitutional search and seizure as it gets.



The FBI has pretty much guaranteed the case will be thrown out by its behavior, this illegal search aside. According to Dr. Rettenmaier's defense attorney, agents conducted two additional searches of the computer without obtaining necessary warrants, lied to trick a federal magistrate judge into authorizing a search warrant for his home, then tried to cover up their misdeeds by initially hiding records.
Plus, the file was found in the unallocated "trash" space, meaning it could only be retrieved by "carving" with sophisticated forensics tools. Carving (or file carving) is defined as searching for files or other kinds of objects based on content, rather than on metadata. It's used to recover old files that have been deleted or damaged.


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