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The Dying Days of Liberalism
How Orthodoxy, Professionalism, and Unresponsive Politics Finally Doomed a 19th-century Project

Forte, Maximilian C.

Publisher:  Zero Anthropology
Date Written:  18/01/2017
Year Published:  2017  
Resource Type:  Article

It's not a small thing that has fallen here, not merely the defeat of Hillary Clinton and Americans rejecting Obama’s "legacy". We are dealing with a series of institutions, an expert class, and a network of political and corporate alliances, that is being shaken beyond repair. We are in the earliest days of a historical transition, so it's not clear what is coming next, and the labels that have been proliferating demonstrate confusion and uncertainty -- populism, nativism, nationalism, etc.



Rather than focus on "the One Percent," Frank asks that we look critically at "the Ten Percent," which includes "the people at the apex of the country's hierarchy of professional status," from which the Ivy Leaguer Obama came, as did most of his Ivy League cabinet, explaining the self-justifying and self-flattering slew of comments from Obama about those who are "qualified" to govern and "knowing what you’re talking about". Professionals value credentialed expertise, and tend to listen mostly just to each other.


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