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Meet the man crowd-funding Gaza's first English library

Gadzo, Mersiha

Publisher:  Al Jazeera
Date Written:  10/02/2017
Year Published:  2017  
Resource Type:  Article

Mosab Abu Toha, works to expand his collection of English books to create a public library that will enrich the lives and society within Gaza during the Israeli occupation.



By delving into the works of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Paine, Orwell, Hemingway, Huxley, Finkelstein, Chomsky and Said - and by writing stories and poems of his own - Abu Toha can, at least for a little while, escape the confines of Gaza.

Now he is trying to take that further and share these works throughout the besieged territory. After the 2014 war, as he was rummaging through the rubble of his university's bombed arts department, he found one of the survivors, the Norton Anthology of American Literature, and an idea was born.

Realising that Gaza needed a safe home for English books and a space where people could come to read and socialise rather than hang out in cafes or watch TV, Abu Toha began a mission to open Gaza's first public library for English books.

He set up a Facebook page last spring calling for people worldwide to donate books. So far, he has collected more than 100, including a few autographed books by Chomsky himself. He is also collecting donations to rent out a space for the library, where he hopes to host lectures by international guests.


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