'Modi is God's gift to Pakistan security establishment' Pakistani novelist Mohammed Hanif talks about shrinking freedoms, liberal voices and human rights in Balochistan.
Adil, Hafsa http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/03/modi-god-gift-pakistan-security-establishment-170313051521647.html
Publisher: Al Jazeera Date Written: 16/03/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
Mohammed Hanif is a Pakistani journalist and writer. In an interview with Al Jazeera he talks about the shrinking freedoms in mainstream and social media in Pakistan, the role of liberal voices and the state of human rights in Balochistan.
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Al Jazeera: What can the writers and intellectuals of Pakistan and India do to wrest back public discourse from the ultranationalists and hardline politicians in order to inject good sense, goodwill and a spirit of unity among the peoples of common rich heritage?
Hanif: I think maybe they can start by going on about common rich heritage. We kind of lived together and killed each other for centuries. Our common rich heritage is very contested and we should continue to contest that. Writers and intellectuals from both sides have been hugging each other at festivals and conferences and in music collaborations. They should continue doing that but let's not live in the illusion that they can erase an inch of barbed wire on our borders.
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