Thou Shalt Not Give Offence
Malik, Kenan http://kenanmalik.wordpress.com/2017/03/23/thou-shalt-not-give-offence/
Publisher: Pandaumonium Date Written: 23/03/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
Kenan Malik looks at the free speech debates around the Danish cartoons and Charlie Hebdo.
Abstract: -
In December 2009, about nine months after From Fatwa to Jihad was first published, Index on Censorship, one of the worlds foremost organizations for freedom of expression, published in its journal an interview with the Danish-American academic Jytte Klausen about her book on the Danish cartoon controversy, The Cartoons that Shook the World. Shortly before publication, the publishers, Yale University Press, took the unexpected decision to remove all the cartoons from the book. The interview explored that decision, and why Klausen disagreed with it
Klausens book, like all academic books, had been reviewed by a number of scholars, each of whom was asked about the cartoons, and all of whom insisted that they should be included. Yale University Presss publication committee also accepted the inclusion of the cartoons. Then the university took advice from security experts, including John Negroponte, the director of National Intelligence under President George W Bush. On their advice, at the last minute, Yale University Press decided to pull not just the cartoons but also all historical images of Muhammad from the book.
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