Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were
Empson, Martin http://climateandcapitalism.com/2017/04/10/dead-zone-where-the-wild-things-were/
Publisher: Climate & Capitalism Date Written: 10/04/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
Martin Empson reviews an important book (DEAD ZONE: Where the Wild Things Were by Philip Lymber,Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017) for activists, a frightening examination of the impact of industrial agriculture on the environment, and particularly biodiversity.
Abstract: -
Philip Lymbery's Dead Zone is a highly readable, if frightening, examination of the impact of industrial agriculture on the environment, and particularly biodiversity. Lymberys style is part travel-book, part autobiography and part ecological critique. There's a lot in it, and this review cannot hope to highlight all of the fascinating content -- my copy is covered in pencil markings just from a single read.But I want to try and explore what Lymbery rightly highlights as a major ecological crisis, and add a few additional thoughts.
The first thing to note is the breadth of Lymbery's coverage. From the impact of palm plantations on elephants in Asia, to the decline of Barn Owls, Nightingales and other birds in the UK, to the dead zones in the Mexican Gulf and the way that the European Unions Common Agricultural Policy has decimated Eastern European farming, this is a bleak picture.
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