The Clintons Had Slaves But the prison labor system is also rotten to the core...
Robinson, Nathan J. http://www.currentaffairs.org/2017/06/the-clintons-had-slaves
Publisher: Current Affairs Date Written: 06/06/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
The prison labour system in the United States has long been an unacknowledged scandal and is in fact as a form of slavery; among the beneficiaries of this prison labour system were Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Abstract: --
Excerpt: The Clintons' use of prison labor was only one small part of a long and horrifying record. Both Clintons, but especially Bill, have consistently manipulated black political interests while showing complete disregard for the humanity of African Americans. This stretches from Hillarys perpetuation of a hideous racist myth about a wave of hyper-violent "superpredators" to Bill's politically-motivated execution of a mentally disturbed black inmate.
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