New Report Shows Corporations and Western Governments Continue to Profit from Looting of Africa
Dangl, Benjamin http://towardfreedom.com/archives/africa-archives/new-report-shows-corporations-western-governments-continue-profit-looting-africa/
Publisher: Toward Freedom Date Written: 01/06/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
A recent report published by a coalition of African and British social justice organizations indicate that foreign corporations and governments continue to exploit the world's most impoverished continent.
Abstract: --
Excerpt: In 2015, the year the most recent data is available, African nations received $162 billion in aid, loans, and remittances. At the same time, $203 billion was taken from these nations through resource extraction, debt payments, and illegal logging and fishing.
"This research shows that what African countries really need is for the rest of the world to stop systematically looting them," Dodwell said. "While the form of colonial plunder may have changed over time, its basic nature remains unchanged."
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