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Bibi Netanyahu's War Dream
An interview with Moshe Machover


Publisher:  Against the Current
Date Written:  01/05/2017
Year Published:  2015  
Resource Type:  Article

Suzi Weissman interviews Moshe Machover, a founder of the Israeli Socialist Organization (Matzen) in the 60's. They discuss the reasons behind Israel's campaign against the Iran nuclear deal.



MM: That's exactly it. Everybody realizes, including the Iranian leaders, that the top of the pyramid is the United States. The question is, what place will Iran occupy in this pecking order? The deal that is now being hatched is to give Iran a respectable place in this pecking order. But if so, that would actually, relatively speaking, downgrade the importance of Israel. You see? It would, in some sense, erode Israel's position as second to top dog.

Netanyahu is obsessed with this, and is prepared to go even to war in order to prevent any such thing. The only kind of deal he is prepared to accept is one in which Iran is the very bottom of the pecking order. Plus, he has some additional reasons for wanting a war with Iran. Something I’ve been saying for a number of years -- and there is good documentary proof of this -- is that if a war with Iran causes a conflagration in the whole region, he may actually want to use it as a smokescreen for a major ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the West Bank.

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