A Day in the Life of a Day Laborer
Franklin, Stephen http://inthesetimes.com/working/entry/20237/day_laborer_purgatory_waiting_in_the_streets_to_take_a_backbreaking_job
Publisher: In These Times Date Written: 15/06/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
A look at day labourers in Chicago, many who work precariously, under dangerous conditions and sometimes without getting paid.
Abstract: --
Excerpt: There was no work yesterday, nothing the day before and nothing for weeks.
Still, the 50-year-old Guatemalan, who didn't want his last name used, waits in the growing heat, saying he has no other choice.
He waits even though he hates day labor work, because he says it is sometimes dangerous, barely enough to live on, and some of the men on the street corner have bullied and hurt him on the job.
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