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Is Tribalism Racist?
Antiracism Norms and Immigration


Publisher:  The London School of Economics and Political Science
Date Written:  09/07/2017
Year Published:  2017  
Resource Type:  Article

Are ethnically-motivated restrictions on immigration racist? Eric Kaufmann draws on new data from an 18-country survey to explain how people answered this question and how their answer affects their own support for higher or lower immigration levels.



New data from an 18-country Ipsos-Mori survey indicates that people's view of whether immigration should be higher or lower is strongly linked to whether they think it's racist for a member of the ethnic majority to want less immigration to help maintain their group's population share.

This relationship between antiracist norms and desired immigration levels holds in virtually all countries but is especially pronounced in Europe and its offshoots. Essentially, this new 'culture war' revolves around whether tribal desires for less immigration represent racism or a legitimate – if illiberal – form of group attachment.

Why is this important? Hostility to immigration is recognised as the most important predictor of support for populist right parties, like the Front National or leaders such as Donald Trump. Typically, those who study these phenomena try to explain what's making people upset: is the culprit economic inequality, pressure on services, cultural change or a mistrust of established politicians?


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