Organic Farmers Are Not Anti-Science but Genetic Engineers Often Are
Henderson, Elizabeth http://www.independentsciencenews.org/un-sustainable-farming/organic-farmers-are-not-anti-science-but-genetic-engineers-often-are/
Publisher: Independent Science Date Written: 24/05/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
Henderson argues that biotechnologists conflate anti-science with anti-genetic engineering, and that genetically engineered crops are being commercialized without proper testing.
Abstract: -
Just as the biotech proponents conflate "science" and GMOs, I and the organic movement conflate our struggle for family-scale, local, organic or agroecological agriculture and against corporate control with the fight against gmos. Buying Roundup Ready seed is not a free choice for farmers. Using that seed ensnares the farmer in Monsanto's clutches.
There are economic issues here as well. Major Goodman of North Carolina State University, a respected corn geneticist and member of the National Academy of Sciences, stated in testimony before the National Research Council that conventional breeding typically costs about $1 million per trait, while genetic engineering costs $136 million per GE trait, with most of the cost due to research and development, not to regulatory expenses.
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