How 'Antifa' Mirrors the 'Alt-Right'
Hedges, Chris http://www.truthdig.com/articles/antifa-mirrors-alt-right/
Publisher: TruthDig Date Written: 27/08/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
Behind the rhetoric of the "alt-right" about white nativism and protecting American traditions, history and Christian values is the lust for violence. Behind the rhetoric of antifa, the Black Bloc and the so-called "alt-left" about capitalism, racism, state repression and corporate power is the same lust for violence.
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The two opposing groups, largely made up of people who have been cast aside by the cruelty of corporate capitalism, have embraced holy war. Their lives, battered by economic misery and social marginalization, have suddenly been filled with meaning. They hold themselves up as the vanguard of the oppressed. They arrogate to themselves the right to use force to silence those they define as the enemy. They sanctify anger. They are infected with the dark, adrenaline-driven urge for confrontation that arises among the disenfranchised when a democracy ceases to function. They are separated, as Sigmund Freud wrote of those who engage in fratricide, by the "narcissism of minor differences." They mirror each other, not only ideologically but also physically -- armed and dressed in black, the color of fascism and the color of death.
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