Bullied BBC? Alternative media returns fire on claims it's waging 'war' on the corporation
Melville, Toby http://www.rt.com/uk/404877-bbc-alternative-media-war/
Publisher: RT Date Written: 28/09/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
Alternative media accused of waging "guerilla warfare" against the BBC by its former political editor Nick Robinson say they are just providing balance to the 'biased' government-funded corporation.
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Writing for the Guardian, Robinson said criticism of the BBC is so persistent that it is affecting negatively public perceptions of the corporation and other mainstream media outlets. "Our critics now see their attacks as a key part of their political strategy. In order to succeed, they need to convince people not to believe the news," he wrote in the Guardian.
The New European labelled Robinson's claims "garbage," adding: "We've published 2,500 articles; 1 has been about BBC 'bias.' 160th on our most read list." Westmonster said it was "just providing balance," and took a dig at the BBCs reporting on immigration. It added: "Wheres the follow up on the huge numbers of Romanians and Bulgarians who did come to the UK Nick?"
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