Marxist and Feminist Interventions Marxism and Feminism
Ferguson, Ann http://www.solidarity-us.org/site/node/4907
Publisher: Against the Current Date Written: 01/03/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
Book review of Shahrzad Mojab's edited volume Marxism and Feminism.
Abstract: -
Many of the collection's authors are academics working in Canada, and most work in the areas of critical theory and cultural studies from a transnational perspective. As a whole the book advances the debates between Marxists and feminists typical of the 1970s European and U.S. women's movements to cover important new terrain, such as how to connect capitalism, racism and patriarchy theoretically and politically, and how to understand the relations between production, reproduction and the gender division of labor.
However, while the book is helpful in its presentation of important debates in Marxism for feminists, it is nonetheless rather uneven in its quality.
The anthology's authors are connected theoretically with the Marxist-Feminist analysis of German activist scholar Frigga Haug. She is a former professor of economics and politics, the co-editor of the journal Das Argument and co-founder of the Peoples University of Berlin who works with the left-social democratic party Die Linke.
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