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Anthem Protestors Should Stop Mucking Around and Make Their Demands

Whitney, Mike

Publisher:  Counter Punch
Date Written:  27/10/2017
Year Published:  2017  
Resource Type:  Article

The "anthem protests" have gone on for two years now, but so far the players have not presented a specific set of demands.Why? Do the players simply want to use Sunday football as a platform for raising awareness of racial injustice and police brutality or is there something else going on here?



Look: The guys who own NFL teams are not social justice warriors, they're hard-nosed businessmen who make a bundle gouging credulous sports addicts on overpriced tickets, exorbitant Cable contracts and garish football jerseys that make grown men look like imbeciles. Did the players think these football moguls were going to give away the farm just because they showed up at their lousy "quarterly" meeting?

Give me a break The players need to grow up and state their case. They need to distill the vague racial rhetoric into a list of ironclad demands that will have an impact on the criminal justice system, the prosecution of killer cops, compensation for victims families and reductions in sentencing for non violent offenders. That’s what they need to do, take the protest to the next level!

It's frustrating watching this whole thing unfold.

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