Choices Facing African Americans
Miah, Malik http://www.solidarity-us.org/node/5078
Publisher: Against the Current Date Written: 01/09/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
For African Americans, this campaign against Russia (and North Korea, Iran) is a diversion from more central issues including the right to vote.
Abstract: -
While liberals focus on Russia, Trump has made big policy changes in federal agencies to undermine health care, public education, environmental regulations, civil liberties and basic civil rights. The Justice Department is seeking to reverse modest changes on drug policies and has given a green light to police departments to make sure Black Lives never mutter.
The liberal establishment targets Russia as basic rights for African Americans are suppressed. The Black-focused media also discuss Russia, because many of their owners are part of the Democratic party establishment.
But their readers are more interested in other issues. Most want to know how to stop the racism, police violence and loss of health care, especially Medicaid, and ask "Where are the new better paying job?"
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