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Years Before Charlottesville, Tribes Urged Yellowstone National Park to Change the Names of a War Criminal and a White Supremacist That Defile Sacred Land
We're Still Waiting

Grier, Stan

Publisher:  CounterPunch
Date Written:  12/09/2017
Year Published:  2017  
Resource Type:  Article

Chief Stan Grier explains why historical figures who advocated genocide and white supremacy must be not continue to be commemorated at Yellowstone National Park, a sacred land to Indigenous communities for at least 10,000 years.



"I was the first and last man in [the] Piegan camp January 23, 1870. Greatest slaughter of Indians ever made by U.S. Troops," Lieutenant Gustavus Cheyney Doane wrote in his 1889 application to become superintendent of Yellowstone National Park. Today, Doane is still celebrated as "the man who discovered Wonderland" for his "pathfinding" role in the 1870 Langford-Washburn Expedition that was instrumental in Yellowstone becoming the world's first national park, but just seven months before, on January 23, 1870, Doane led the 2nd US Cavalry in what he boasted was that "greatest slaughter of Indians ever made."

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