Honduras Since the 2009 Coup
Cervantes, Victoria http://www.solidarity-us.org/node/5121
Publisher: Against the Current Date Written: 01/11/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
As this is being written, news arrives of arrests and serious charges filed against 14 community members of a poor area of Choluteca for opposing land grabs to build a solar energy plant; 28 small farmers in the northern Agujn Valley criminalized for trying to keep and work their land; and 31 university students and three human rights defenders facing jail after government attacks on student protests in Tegucigalpa.
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Although more than eight years have passed, both resistance and repression continue. In fact the current coup regime led by President Juan Orlando Hernandez has hardened and tried to institutionalize dictatorship.
As this is being written, news arrives of arrests and serious charges filed against 14 community members of a poor area of Choluteca for opposing land grabs to build a solar energy plant; 28 small farmers in the northern Agujn Valley criminalized for trying to keep and work their land; and 31 university students and three human rights defenders facing jail after government attacks on student protests in Tegucigalpa.
This is not unusual, as repression and even violence including assassinations are a weekly if not daily occurrence.
Honduras has long been one of the unfortunate countries to have a "special relationship" with the United States that has meant military coups, death squads and support for dictatorships and use as a military staging ground for the U.S. Southern Command. This doesn't change much, no matter who the president is in Washington, District of Columbia.
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