Dennis J. Banks, Naawakamig (1937-2017) - Cofounder of the American Indian Movement
Estes, Nick.; Noisecat, Julian Brave http://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?article42587
Publisher: Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres Date Written: 06/11/2017 Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article
Under cofounder of the American Indian Movement, Dennis Banks, AIM became the most powerful Native movement of the twentieth century, galvanizing indigenous people throughout the United States, Canada, and beyond.
Abstract: -
Before the braids and shades, AIM was an institution builder in the urban communities it served, founding survival schools that taught Native history and culture and provided employment, housing, and legal advocacy for Native families. After AIM arrived on the scene, police raids on Indian bars all but stopped. At the same time, a more subtle cultural transformation was afoot: the downtrodden of the Red Ghettos were proud to be Indian again.
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