An enemy within There are terrible precedents for attacking immigrant culture - like the well organised and sponsored US campaign during the first world war
Rimbert, Pierre http://mondediplo.com/2016/05/07usgermans
Publisher: Le Monde diplomatique Date Written: 01/05/2016 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
A look at the persecution and campaign against Americans of German origin within the United States during WWI.
Abstract: --
The land of liberty has declared war on barbarism, on a distant empire that is attacking France and Belgium, and which despises civilians, kills children and rapes little girls. Politicians, supported by the masses, trumpet their eagerness to destroy the enemy: "We are at war!" But while the troops fight over there, civilians at home are in ferment. Is the enemy hiding nearby? Could immigrants and their descendants, apparently loyal, really be an invisible army of spies and traitors?
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