Trump's People Among the fans in Florida, New Hampshire, and Iowa
Wood, Paul http://harpers.org/archive/2016/06/trumps-people/
Publisher: Harper's Date Written: 01/06/2018 Year Published: 2016 Resource Type: Article
Journalist Paul Woods speks with supporters of Donald Trump prior to the 2016 election and examines the appeal and popularity of the candidate by speaking with various supporters during the campaign.
Abstract: --
Pro- and anti-Trump demonstrators are facing off noisily outside the convention center in Tampa, Florida. A short woman with frizzy gray hair holds a Bible in one hand and a bullhorn in the other: WE PRAY . . . FATHER GOD . . . THAT YOU . . . WILL MAKE . . . AMERICA . . . GREAT AGAIN. Nose to nose, screaming, are a middle-aged white man with a goatee and a skinny black kid with a backward baseball cap that reads comme des fuckdown. "The Koran teaches: Smite the infidel above the neck," Goatee yells. WE PRAY . . . WE PRAY LORD JESUS . . . THAT NO ONE . . . COMES INTO THIS NATION . . . THAT YOU!!! . . . DO NOT WANT HERE. Comme des FuckDown bellows back: "I see a cop roll down the street, some racist cop having a bad day, Im in fear for my life." WE PRAY . . . FATHER GOD . . . THAT NO WEAPON . . . FORMED AGAINST THIS NATION . . . SHALL PROSPER.
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